- Everything you need to stay on the 'Nice' list, Mega Stationery Set for your Elves Behaving Badly. At the beginning of the month explain that report card will be sent to Santa everyday. Good reports mean more presents
- 64 Pieces including A5 'We're back' Card, 24 x Mini Daily Report Cards 24 x Mini My Daily Performance Cards 3 x Door Hangers,1 x A5 'Goodbye for now' Card,1 x Mid Month Letter To Santa Card, 10 x A5 Elf Mischief Reports
- Perfect for keeping kids good this Christmas as they believe their elf on the shelf is definitely watching them
- Get creative this Christmas with this fantastic stationery set. Perfect for chilly days indoors, this set features a popular elf design- Just add your imagination for what they Elves get up to!